{% extends 'dashboard.html.twig' %} {% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('dashboard') }} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('dropzone') }} {% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('dropzone') }} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('dashboard_company') }} {% endblock %} {% block title %}Promotip: Mijn bedrijf{% endblock %} {% block dashboard %} {% if coming_from %}
Vervolledig a.u.b. eerst het onderstaande formulier met de vereiste bedrijfsgegevens. Hierna kunt u kosteloos uw advertentie aanmaken via het tabblad "Mijn advertenties"
{% endif %}
{{ form_start(form, {'attr': {'class': 'form', 'novalidate': 'novalidate'}}) }}
{{ form_widget(form.companyname, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Company name'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_label(form.companyname, 'Company Name'|trans) }} {{ form_errors(form.companyname) }}
{{ form_widget(form.address, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Address'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_label(form.address, 'Address'|trans) }} {{ form_errors(form.address) }}
{{ form_widget(form.housenumber, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Housenumber'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_label(form.housenumber, 'Number'|trans) }} {{ form_errors(form.housenumber) }}
{{ form_widget(form.box, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Box'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_label(form.box, 'Box'|trans) }} {{ form_errors(form.box) }}
{{ form_errors(form.geoPlacesId) }} {{ form_widget(form.geoPlacesId, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Zipcode & City'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }}
{{ form_widget(form.phonenumber, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Phone'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_label(form.phonenumber, 'Phone'|trans) }} {{ form_errors(form.phonenumber) }} Optioneel
{{ form_widget(form.website, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Website'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_label(form.website, 'Website'|trans) }} {{ form_errors(form.website) }}
{{ form_widget(form.emailaddress, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'E-mail'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_label(form.emailaddress, 'E-mail'|trans) }} {{ form_errors(form.emailaddress) }} {% trans %}This e-mail address will be visible on the website{% endtrans %}
{{ form_widget(form.vatnumber, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'VAT'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_label(form.vatnumber, 'VAT number'|trans) }} {{ form_errors(form.vatnumber) }} Optioneel
{{ form_label(form.description, 'Introduction'|trans, {'label_attr': {'style' : 'position: relative; left: 0;'}}) }} {{ form_widget(form.description, { 'attr': {'placeholder': 'Introduction'|trans, 'class': 'form-control form-control-lg'} }) }} {{ form_errors(form.description) }}
Voeg enkele beschrijvende tags over uw bedrijf toe

{% trans %}Opening hours{% endtrans %}

{% for day in range(1, 7) %} {% endfor %}
{% if day == 1 %} {% trans %}Monday{% endtrans %} {% elseif day == 2 %} {% trans %}Tuesday{% endtrans %} {% elseif day == 3 %} {% trans %}Wednesday{% endtrans %} {% elseif day == 4 %} {% trans %}Thursday{% endtrans %} {% elseif day == 5 %} {% trans %}Friday{% endtrans %} {% elseif day == 6 %} {% trans %}Saturday{% endtrans %} {% elseif day == 7 %} {% trans %}Sunday{% endtrans %} {% endif %} {% trans %}till{% endtrans %}
  {% trans %}till{% endtrans %}
{{ form_end(form) }}

{% trans %}Drag & drop your photos here{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}or{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Browse files{% endtrans %}
{% if companyPhotos is defined %} {% for photo in companyPhotos %} {% include 'dashboard/company/photo.html.twig' %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}